Intimate Health (or Sexual Health) refers to the overall health and well-being of our sexual organs and the functions and sensations accompanying them. It encompasses many physical and emotional factors, including hygiene, sexual activity, and menstrual and reproductive health.
Epiphany Women’s Health cares about your intimate health. We strive to listen to you as a woman and offer a specific treatment modality that may improve your intimate health.
There is a long list of causative reasons for intimate health issues.
Two of the major problems associated with intimate health are decreased libido (sex drive) and painful intercourse with insertion or deep penetration. Epiphany Women’s Health offers two treatment modalities that may benefit decreased libido and or painful intercourse.
Understanding the biology of women and their specific hormones allows us to create a very individualized plan to benefit the woman’s decreased libido. This involves drawing specific hormone labs, analyzing the labs, and then creating a patient specific hormone pellet that is bio-identical and plant derived. These pellets are then placed in the patient’s subcutaneous tissue. This gives the patient a constant and specific hormone replacement on a day-to-day basis. This treatment should improve her libido. It may improve her vaginal discomfort. Ultimately, it may improve her intimate health.
The second treatment modality is the O-SHOT.
The O-shot is a treatment that was created over 10 years ago. Millions of women have benefited from this scientific and clinical approach to managing women’s intimate health.
The O- Shot procedure involves injecting platelet rich plasma (PRP) into the space around the clitoris.
Platelet rich plasma is the human body’s own blood cells.
Platelet rich plasma is obtained by a drawing blood from the patient arm into a simple blood tube. The blood tube is then spun in a centrifuge machine. The blood separates out into three different cell types -
plasma, platelets and red blood cells. The plasma and platelets are removed from the blood tube using a syringe and injected back into the space around the clitoris. The injected cells then stimulate natural “growth factors” to be released from the patient’s own bone marrow. These “growth factors” regenerate new tissue including nerves and muscles. This treatment may improve her libido. It may improve her vaginal discomfort. The benefits…improvement of intimate health.