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What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a broad term that often involves female genital surgery as well as non-surgical approaches to restore the aesthetic and functional aspects of the vaginal area.

Non-surgical methods include the use of radio frequency devices such as ThermiVa and laser treatments like MonaLisa, which rejuvenate the vaginal tissue without surgery.

Surgical vaginal rejuvenation primarily involves vaginoplasty, or the surgical tightening of the vagina. This procedure typically modifies a standard "posterior repair" and includes reconstruction of the perineum—the area between the vagina and rectum. Historically, this surgery was performed to address conditions like a prolapsed rectum or rectocele. However, its applications have expanded over the years.

The demand for these surgeries is driven by women of varying ages, from young women seeking a more refined genital appearance to older women aiming to repair damage from childbirth or aging.

This trend reflects a growing desire among women to regain a youthful appearance and sensation, enhancing both their physical and psychological well-being.

We recognize and support the profound personal influence of these concerns, and we are committed to providing the exceptional care necessary to address them effectively.

What is Vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to tighten the vagina by removing excess vaginal lining and enhancing the tone and strength of the surrounding soft tissues and muscles.

This need often arises from the natural changes that occur following childbirth or as a result of aging, which can cause the vaginal tissues to stretch and the muscles to weaken.

This procedure effectively narrows the vaginal opening.

By narrowing the opening, women experience increased friction during sexual activities, potentially enhancing pleasure for both partners.

As individuals age, the body undergoes various changes—tissues wear and stretch, and youthful resilience diminishes. This is particularly evident in the vaginal vault and pelvic floor after pregnancy, where tissues are dilated and muscles can lose their elasticity and strength, reducing control and support.

Vaginoplasty works to restore this control by toning the vaginal muscles and strengthening the pelvic floor, which can lead to greater muscle contraction and control, thereby enhancing a woman's quality of life.

What is an AP Repair?

Anterior and posterior repair (AP repair), also known as colporrhaphy, is a surgical approach designed to correct prolapse in the pelvic organs, which is a common condition where the organs slip down into or protrude out of the vagina due to weakened support structures.

This procedure is pivotal for improving both function and quality of life in affected women.

Types of AP Repair:
Anterior Repair:
This is performed on the front (anterior) wall of the vagina and is typically used to correct a cystocele, where the bladder sags into the vagina. The procedure involves folding and stitching the bulging vaginal tissue, which strengthens the vaginal wall and supports the bladder.

Posterior Repair: This is performed on the rear (posterior) wall of the vagina. It is used to correct a rectocele or an enterocele—conditions where the rectum or small bowel bulges into the vagina. Similar to anterior repair, the procedure involves removing excess tissue and tightening the remaining tissue to reinforce the vaginal wall and restore the normal position of the rectum or bowel.

AP repair is recommended for several conditions such as bladder prolapse that happens when the wall that holds the bladder up becomes weak and allows the bladder to droop into the vagina. Rectal prolapse occurs when the wall of the rectum bulges into the vagina. Uterine prolapse is when the uterus drops down toward or into the vagina. Vaginal vault prolapse can happen after the uterus is removed, causing the top part of the vagina to lose its normal shape and support. Enterocele is when the small intestines push against the vaginal wall.

In addition, vaginoplasty is frequently incorporated into prolapse repair due to the intricacies of the procedure.

What is Perineoplasty?

During a perineoplasty, your surgeon focuses on reconstructing and tightening the perineum—the area of tissue located between the vagina and rectum.

Childbirth can often lead to tearing or stretching of this sensitive region, and sometimes an episiotomy was necessary.

Such experiences can leave behind scar tissue, altering both the appearance and sensation of the vagina and potentially contributing to feelings of vaginal laxity.

What is Labiaplasty?

We perform labial reduction surgery, or labiaplasty, for women experiencing discomfort from enlarged or asymmetrical labia.

Labiaplasty can target both the labia minora (minoraplasty) and the labia majora (majoraplasty).

Many women experience discomfort or self-consciousness due to enlarged labia minora, which can cause irritation while wearing certain clothes, during physical activities, or even during sexual intercourse.

The appearance of enlarged labia minora may also feel aesthetically displeasing or embarrassing for some.

To address these concerns, we perform a surgical technique for reducing the size of the labia minora to achieve a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Choosing the right procedure for you:

Choosing the appropriate vaginal rejuvenation procedure involves careful consideration of various factors.

It is essential that this decision is preceded by a comprehensive discussion and examination conducted by one of our experienced providers.

During this examination, our expert providers will assess your unique circumstances and recommend the most beneficial procedure tailored to your needs.

We strongly recommend scheduling an appointment to explore your options thoroughly.

Please come prepared with a list of questions to ensure that all your concerns are addressed during your consultation.

The procedure:

Each procedure varies in duration, yet all are meticulously performed in-office by a skilled surgeon using local anesthesia with sedation (based on health and specific requirements).

Common risks with any surgery include bleeding, infection, and scarring. It is normal to experience light bleeding for a day or two post-surgery, which can typically be managed by wearing a sanitary pad.

Although rare, there is a possibility that vaginoplasty may lead to decreased sensitivity and diminished sexual pleasure. The extent of tightening achievable through this procedure depends on an individual's anatomy, and it may not always meet the desired expectations.

Recovery from AP repair varies; however, most patients can expect some degree of discomfort and should limit physical activity, especially lifting, to avoid straining the repair site. Typical recovery involves several weeks of reduced activity, and patients are often advised to avoid sexual activity for about six weeks.

Furthermore, if you plan to have children, it is advisable to postpone undergoing these procedures.

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Ready to book your consultation at Epiphany Women's Health? We are conveniently located in Fairhope, AL.

Please call us, or book an appointment online.

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Lauren Shoemaker, APN

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Dr. William Boyd D.O.M.D


Nicole Gill, APN

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