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What can NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation treat?

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5008 North Glen Park Place Rd, Suite B Peoria, IL 61614

What is an endometrial ablation?

Uterine ablation, medically known as endometrial ablation, Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding (periods). The procedure works by ablating (scaring) the tissue in the lining of the uterus, which is called the endometrium. Because the endometrium is the tissue that causes bleeding, ablating this tissue may reduce menstrual bleeding to normal levels, lighter levels, or in some women completely stop bleeding altogether.

What is considered heavy menstrual bleeding?

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common problem. About one out of three patients who get their period seek treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. A period with bleeding totaling over 80 ml (or soaking a menstrual product within an hour or two) is considered heavy or excessive. Signs that you may have heavy menstrual bleeding include if you regularly:

● Change your saturated pads or tampons frequently (for example, every hour for several hours in a row).
● Wear more than one pad at a time or need to use both a tampon and a pad.
● Bleed for longer than a week during your period.
● Have symptoms associated with (low red blood cell count), such as tiredness or shortness of breath.
● Avoid or miss activities, work, or social events due to your menstrual bleeding.

Am I too old (or too young) to have a uterine ablation?

Endometrial ablation is most often recommended for women between the ages of 35 and 45 who struggle with long or heavy periods. You may have a long or heavy period if your period lasts longer than seven days or is so heavy that it affects daily activity or causes issues with anemia.

However, the procedure may also benefit those who deal with abnormal uterine bleeding like bleeding between periods or other issues.

Can you get a endometrial ablation for pelvic pain?

Pelvic pain can occur before and during menstruation and is usually described as cramps in the pelvis or lower abdomen. The severity can vary from month to month.

Pain prior to menstruation is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). When pain is so severe that you can’t enjoy your normal, day-to-day activities, it’s referred to as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

PMDD usually, though not always, dissipates once menstruation begins.

Pain during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea. This pain may feel like cramps in the abdomen, or like a nagging pain in the thighs and lower back.

Because the endometrium is the tissue that causes bleeding, ablating this tissue may reduce menstrual bleeding, and therefore reduce pelvic pain associated with menstrual bleeding.

What is the endometrial ablation procedure like?

Endometrial ablation is generally an outpatient procedure, meaning women can go home the same day. It can be performed in a hospital or a clinic setting.

At Epiphany Women’s Health, we perform most endometrial ablations in our clinic using Hologic's NovaSure®.

The NovaSure® is a specific form of endometrial ablation that is efficient and effective in treating abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). NovaSure is a one-time, five-minute procedure that utilizes a unique patented radio frequency energy to remove the endometrium, the lining of the uterus responsible for menstrual bleeding.

Before the procedure, medications may be given to dilate (open) the cervix. The procedure usually takes less than an hour to complete.

How does NovaSure® work?

The NovaSure® procedure typically involves the following steps:

● The woman is given local anesthesia or light sedation to ensure comfort during the procedure.
● A slender device is inserted through the cervix into the uterus.
● A triangular mesh device within is gently expanded to fit the size and shape of the uterus.
● Radio frequency energy is delivered for about 90 seconds to ablate (remove) the endometrial lining.
● The device is retracted, and the procedure is complete.

What are the benefits of NovaSure®

The benefits of NovaSure® include:

● Short Procedure Time: The entire process takes about five minutes to perform, with the active treatment phase lasting approximately 90 seconds.
● Minimal Anesthesia Required: NovaSure can often be performed using local anesthesia or light sedation, reducing the risks associated with general anesthesia.
● Quick Recovery: Most women return to their normal activities within a day or two.
● High Success Rate: Many women experience a significant reduction in menstrual bleeding, and some may stop having periods altogether.

It is also important to note that NovaSure® is not recommended for women who have uterine cancer or certain types of uterine conditions, who are postmenopausal, or who have an IUD currently in place.

NovaSure® offers a promising solution for women seeking relief from heavy menstrual bleeding without undergoing major surgery or relying on hormone therapy. As with any medical procedure, it's crucial to discuss all options, benefits, and risks with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment based on individual health needs and life circumstances. NovaSure® has enabled many women to experience improved quality of life through a simple, one-time procedure, marking a significant step forward in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding.

What is the recovery process for an endometrial ablation?

Recovery after endometrial ablation is typically quick, with most women resuming normal activities within a few days.

However, it's important that you follow your doctor’s instructions, regardless how good you’re feeling.

It's common to experience nausea, frequent urination, and cramping. Some vaginal discharge may occur which may start as bloody and shift to watery and then cease over several weeks.

Additionally, the discharge may last for a short amount of time, or opt to a few months, and may come and go. There’s no cause for concern as this is expected and normal with any uterine ablation procedure.

Who should not receive a endometrial ablation?

Individuals should usually avoid receiving a endometrial ablation if:

● They intend to have children in the future
● They have underlying conditions that cause heavy bleeding, such as uterine fibroids
● They do NOT deal with heavy bleeding

Not all women are good candidates for endometrial ablation. Women who have already reached menopause, have an abnormally shaped uterus, or have undergone prior uterine surgeries may not be suitable for the procedure.

Next Steps

Ready to book your endometrial ablation consultation at Epiphany Women's Health? We are conveniently located in Peoria, IL, and we are here to get you back on top of your game and living your best life.

Please call us, or book an appointment online.

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